There'll always be a rainbow after a downpour.
Friday, July 23, 2010

Guess it's due time I update my blog hehz. Anyways the past week has be awesome I guess and I hope things will stay this way? Though it ended in quite a sour note, it sent a jolt of reality back into me. Things will never be perfect, life will never be perfect and it's something I came to learn this week. Sadly the passing of the cleaner in due time would develop into a scary ghost tale which would travel down the generation of TKsians and will not be taken seriously. Nonetheless, lets not make this post so emo-ish so ya haha. Back to update (:
Had English oral training, then met Sarah at PP to go shopping for presents! ><><><
Woke up at 6, one hour earlier then i do for school, met up with Zhukang, Jason and Chernyue before heading to ECP for cycling! Went to that long road before turning back cause Jason CMI. :X Lols pace was super slow also... Something wrong with Jason's bike i guess? lols. Went PP to take bus with Sarah to TM where we met JJ and Shannon for IKEA! Woo. Successful finally thanks to be I'd say! (: Waited super long for shuttle bus to IKEA but it was worth it cause the meatballs were the bomb yo! ;DD Played MLB with Sarah around IKEA after that as well lol epic. Went over to Chongwei's grandma's house for his birthday party around the evening. But when we arrived, it turned out the party was the next week so ya... *ahem* (: But Chong came over anyways to entertain the self-invited guests hehe >< . Pool-ed a little followed by karaoke session lols! Fun (: Headed back home after that bah. Awesome day! hehe
Day was usual i guess, chem test was alright.. i think? >< haha
-Can't remember...-
School was mundane as usual lols. Had EL oral after school! 31/40 hehe (: Then got tuition! Physics ftw lols.
School's a bore seems like always. Soccer afterwards was pwning, DotA as well (; Hehe awesome!
Well apart from that incident everything was alright I guess... though just heard the news of a recent event.... knnbccbwtfbbqomfgttm mannn >< T.T Hope it's not true cause its inferred upon.. hmm ah wells.
Tomorrow physics supp before celebrating daddy's birthday with shark fin!! hehe
Sunday shall be eating tim sum with relatives and all as belated Father's day haha awesome. (:
Anyways yea that's my week. When there's ups there will certainly be downs. Not everything will be a bed of roses all the time. As long as we enjoy the good times, persevere through the tough times, then that's the key to life i guess? Just hope things stay like this bahh... Right now i satisfied with how things are and more or less... have nothing left i wanna do before O's le bah.. so i should start studying? Will try my best to maintain how things are.. but it's going to be tough man.. sians! lols ><
And to you my special friend, what you told me that day really scared me man, i thought you were fine and alright but i guess i'm wrong.. Hope everything turns out alright, and you i know i'd always be there for you k! Feel like doing something more for you and most likely will ><" I don't want us to be so distant anymore! Especially after you've done so much for me haha >< Best bud forever k! (: